Set yourself up for your most successful year. This giant calendar allows you to plan out your next six months / year— plan your trips, goals, and milestones.
+ 24 x 36 inch 6-month calendar: Jan-June & July-Dec [bundles available]
+ 100 transparent stick notes
Each horizontal line has one entire month, the first column starting on the 1st and ending on the last day of the month. Weekends are highlighted in a darker color. No more forgetting events or letting things sneak up on you; you’ve got everything laid out right in front of you!
Make 1, 3 or 6-month goals and create milestone steps to achieve your goals
Plan out your trips, school semesters, work, and time for yourself.
For business, plan out your content, sales, taxes, markets and prep times
Use it for tracking long and short-term goals
use the bullet journal space to mark, visualize, and track goals, manifestations, or notes